Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The boy who chewed my foot.

Couch for friends.

Doha Bear, me, Meurice the Dog and Walnuts the Wombat

Me on a road trips in Persiatic states of desert wilderness.

Doha Bear and me playing with baby things

Monday, January 17, 2011

My Name

Birthdays are everywhere you look. Heaps at Christmas, which means double max presents. I'm Hiiru Miiru. A mouse borned as a Christmas present 27 years ago, but I still feel the same. I sleep most of the days, jump on the bed and on sofas when only us teddies are around, and travel too. Sometimes in a bag and sometimes I'm allowed out.

I'm living with Doha Bear, since Meurice the Dog went to a very cute baby called Samson. We visit Meurice and the other teddies around the werld.